Saturday, 2 January 2016

Energy Efficiency in a Smart Neighborhood- Thoughts

Energy efficiency is core component of revitalizing the neighborhood. So, a smart neighborhood should essentially act as booster for innovation in field of Energy efficient practices.
Efficient use of energy is being achieved by minimizing use of non-renewable energy (NRE) sources and maximizing use of renewable energy (RE) sources, popular among them being, solar energy, Bio-gas energy, wind energy etc. But there are few key hurdles faced in all these energy systems while using them at neighborhood level like, (a) huge capital investment requirement & (b) less efficiency with reference to size. Through this write-up I am suggesting few methodologies which could be utilized to mitigate or minimize these hurdles.

To reduce investment requirement
In order to reduce the investment required for use of RE systems, I suggest utilizing these systems in conjunction with various existing building systems (such as façade systems, wall systems, structural systems etc.).
Logic behind this is simple, when we install a stand-alone renewable energy system (say solar electricity system), cost for that will be separate from building systems’ cost. But, if we integrate that renewable energy system with the building, in such a way that it could replace part or full component of certain building system, then the overall cost will have some amount of reduction. That, in turn, will make utilizing renewable energy system more viable cost-wise. To further understand; let’s take an example of solar electricity system and its integration with building system in a smart neighborhood to achieve better cost.
Traditionally, solar electric systems are installed on terrace area having a wide open space allowing ample direct sunlight. But this approach doesn’t result in any cost saving on account of its integration with building system. It also results wastage of usable terrace space.
Switching this with above mentioned approach, we could integrate the solar electric system with parapets (part of building wall system), by removing portions of brick parapet located on southern, Eastern & Western edges of the terraces of neighborhood buildings and replacing this parapet space with solar panels facing sun. Resulting parapet would be part brickwork and part solar panels. This would lead to cost savings on part of brick-parapet removal from building and also terrace space savings. The extent of this integration could be quantified subject to various project design considerations. 
Example schematics 1a & 1b for reference.

To increase the efficiency with reference to size of system
Typically the effective output of RE systems depends directly on its size. Larger the system better is the output. Considering the possibility of increasing efficiency of RE systems without increasing the size, through interaction of different RE energy systems with each other in common building system/systems is an interesting thought. Lets say, Interaction of solar energy & bio-gas energy in reducing the overall inefficiency  of both could be explored through designing both of these to complement each other. Can we?

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